Friday, July 5, 2024

Goresoerd Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new album?

Rasmus: We’ve already had a couple of shows promoting the new album. 

Stig: Yes, as Rasmus said, we are promoting our album as we can and have played some great shows. First was our album presentation show and a show at Estonia’s biggest metal festival Hard Rock Laager 2024 where the headliners were Hypocrisy, Carpathian Forest, Bathuska.

2.Im May you have a new album coming out, musically how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?

Rasmus: “Inkvisiitor” is definitely one of the most aggressive albums we’ve done. We really put time and effort into the writing process and production and I think this can be heard.

Stig: People are telling us that new album is more dynamic, complex, and faster than previous albums. I agree! Also, I can add that the songs are bit longer than in other albums and of course production is much better than previously. But of course, old albums have their own sound and story as well.

3.This is also your first album in 5 years, can you tell us a little bit more about what has been going on during that time frame?

Rasmus: We pretty much we’re writing this album the whole time. We put out some singles during that period to test out different approaches for the new album so we’d know what works and what doesn’t before the actual album. Also had the chance to play quite a few shows, definitely mentionable are opening up for Megadeth, Kreator and Brujeria in Tallinn last year.

Stig: In addition we started writing new material right after we released (2019) “Kain” album and had great plans for gigs, but then came corona virus and the whole world went lockdown. Then we just played some gigs, wrote new material and released singles. We also released a full-length “corona time” live stream video, which can be found on Youtube.

And right after we planned to start with album demo recordings, Russian invasion to Ukraine happened. As we live next to Russia you always must think what is going on… are we going to war or …… So time went by but finally in the beginning of 2023 we started recording.

4.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the new album and also how would you describe your progress as songwriters over the years?

Stig: Lyrical topics are mostly dark themes, inquisition, war, mysticism. Songwriting depends about mood, you know. Our usual song writing progress is starting with someone’s demo and then our vocalist listens to it and gives his opinion. When he is not very satisfied then we skip this demo, when he agrees, then we go more in depth with the parts and start to play and jam it together in the rehearsal room. Previously we made demos and recorded the song in the studio for the first time. Then after album release, we started to learn and play it together, but we found that some songs do not work in “live".

5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

Eero: I always wanted to paint something by myself for the band. I have tried many times previously but now it finally came to life. Since I write all the lyrics also for the songs, some visualisations started happening in my head for the album. When we wrote the song “Inkvisiitor” (inquisitor), I thought about a character who does evil things in order to feel happy about itself. As soon as we decided that this will be the title track, I had this specific picture in my head that is now the cover art.

6.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?

Rasmus: For me personally the best of the best has been “Inkvisiitor” album release show in May so far. There was a different kind of energy in the room that set things on fire. I can also remember a super small show we played in some cellar in Slovakia in 2016. That was just pure chaos and fun.

Stig: There are lot of great memories. Tuska Festival in Finland, Devilstone Open Air in Lithuania and the biggest festival where we have played was Rockfest in Finland 2019. Of course, this Slovakian cellar was also memorable.

7.Do you have any touring or show plans for the new album?

Rasmus: Yes, we have shows planned in Estonia and also a tour in Finland for Autumn.

8.The new album was self released while the band has worked with a label in the past, are you open to working with another label again in the future?

Rasmus: We are always open for cooperations. 

Stig: Yes, we are open for cooperations. Self-releasing does not meant that we don’t cooperate with record labels. For example, Nailboard Records (Estonia’s only metal music label) released our special edition vinyl and in Finland Inverese Records is helping us to promote the album over there.

9.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your newer music by fans of extreme metal?

Rasmus: So far all the reactions and reviews we’ve gotten are really good. People really dig this kind of aggressive and fast paced metal music. And the vocals being in Estonian doesn’t also seem to be an issue.

Stig: Previously we’ve often got feedback that the music is very cool but we (listener) can’t understand what the songs are about. We have English translations for lyrics added in the album booklets since the album "Asülum" came out in 2013. For me, the words of an extreme metal band can be in any language. I like Norwegian, Swedish and French bands.

10.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

Rasmus: We’ve always mixed and matched different elements of different metal genres. So you never know.

Stig: Yes, and we don't want to repeat ourselves, and we add new elements to every new album.

11.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are listening to nowadays?

Rasmus: If somebody sees my liked songs on Spotify they might think I’m schizophrenic. Let’s just say I like all music in general that is well written for my taste.

Stig: We are listening almost all musical styles starting from pop, hip-hop and finishing with black, extreme or brutal death metal. Our singer also listens to classical music. Some bands what I like most now are Akhlys, Vitriol, Pain, Blues Pills.

12.Does Occultism play any role in your music?

Rasmus: Only in some of the lyrics.

Stig: Nowadays you can find occultism everywhere. ;)

13.Before we wrap up this interview do you have any final words or  thoughts? 

Rasmus: If you like our music just keep listening and sharing it. We also have merch available at our Bandcamp page, so be sure to check that also. Cheers!

Stig: Yes, and don't hesitate to contact us if you need translations for the words. Or better yet, buy the album where the words are included. ;) I hope to see and meet new fans at concerts in the future. Let's keep the extreme metal alive!