Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prime Evil Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new ep? 

ANDY: We have begun writing and arranging new music for a 2025 release, and we just finished a video for “Evilution Decree X” 

2.In May you released a new ep, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording? 

ANDY: It is an anniversary re-release of our 2012 EP with 2 added classic anniversary bonus tracks.....all new recordings. The older songs (Kill For Me & Terminal Dementia) evolved over the years into a heavier, nastier delivery. As a matter of fact, these are reminiscent of the insane live versions we used to perform.

 MIKE: We’ve never tried writing a specific style. Our writing develops organically, it’s never forced or contrived. We listen to so many different genres of Metal and other types of music, so our writing style includes all that we are fans of and want to hear ourselves. 

3.A lot the music was re-recorded tracks, what was the decision behind newer versions of your older songs?

 ANDY: There was a logistical problem with getting those tunes on a digital platform. Taking into account the classic songs were recorded over 40 years ago… We took the opportunity to re-recorded them with drummer Antonio Padilla, killer new guitar tracks and a much improved production.

 4.The band was broken up for 18 years, what was the cause of the split and also the decision to reform?

 ANDY: We originally broke up in 1992…members went onto married life, children, careers etc. The most tenured lineup reformed in 2010 for some classic live shows. One of the major factors in 2010 was Brian Pattinson (R.I.P.) publishing the ‘GLORIOUS TIMES’ pictorial book and prominently featuring Prime Evil….we were completely honored and just waiting for a kick in the ass to reunite. 

MIKE: So, both stories are quite more involved than that, and I know that Andy doesn’t want to go there, but fuck it, I will haha. We disbanded in July of 1992 because the previous year, a record contract that we were negotiating fell through when the company went bankrupt. Our friends in Demolition Hammer convinced their label Century Media Records to come out to New York to see us perform. We played a showcase audition for them but afterwards they told us that we were too technical. After we were unable to procure a record deal, our drummer at that time quit for a second time, and we recruited a friend of mine Matt Mayfield (Violent Plague). Shortly after that, our second guitarist quit for the second time as well. That left us a four piece, but we had never sounded tighter. Gene Hoglan of Dark Angel and Chuck Shuldiner of Death tried getting Combat to sign us during that time as well. We had a show at The Marquee in NYC in July of 1992 with Brutal Truth and Incantation. I told the rest of the members that if we don’t get signed at that show, I am disbanding PRIME EVIL. After we got off stage, I asked Combat’s A & R rep if they had any interest in signing us and he told me “No.” I told the rest of the band and that was the end of it at that time. I joined Demolition Hammer a month later, our bassist Mary Ciullo joined Incantation for a bit, and Andy and a former guitarist joined a local band. As for the reformation of PRIME EVIL in 2010… I had been in a car accident in 2006 that permanently straightened my cervical spine (which is supposed to be curved), flattening my spinal cord and causing serious issues. I had very limited use of my arms, hands, and especially fingers. I could not grasp or hold things or play guitar. It took years of procedures, surgeries, therapies, and implants until I could control my hands and fingers for the most part. In 2009 I started playing the bass guitar to build up the strength in my fingers. My fingertips were still very sensitive so I could not touch a normal guitar string because it hurt. After 9 months of rehabbing on the bass guitar, I was finally able to play a nylon string acoustic guitar, and eventually a steel string acoustic guitar. By the winter of 2010 I was finally playing electric guitar again, but I lost my muscle memory and when I tried playing faster, more difficult riffs, my fingers wouldn’t go where I wanted them to. It took me a few more months of practicing, but I finally got my fingers to play what I wanted them to. I studied jazz and theory during this time as well as audio recording, engineering, and production. By the Summer of 2010 I was writing new songs and itching to jam. I was hoping to reform PRIME EVIL with the last line-up of Andy, Mary, and Matt. I contacted Matt first, but he told me he no longer played drums. So, I contacted one of our other drummers Tad Leger (Toxic) but he also said he rarely played drums anymore as he is playing guitar. Next, I got in touch with Brandon from Ripping Corpse, but he was out in Chicago and not interested in coming back to NY. Then, Andy contacted me about the Glorious Times publication and we set up a day to meet. Guess who shows up besides Andy? The former drummer and guitarist who had both quit twice on us. They were the last two fuckers I wanted to ever see, but I put my shit aside and made nice, and we reformed that day. It was no surprise that they both would quit a year later for the third time each. 

5.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored over the years with the music?

 ANDY: A lot of my compositions deal with the deranged sickness of mankind and many aspects of society. Not preachy but mostly expressing my disgust at our devastating abuse of the planet and each other. I also like to use historic events to illustrate cautionary tales. 

6.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Prime Evil'? 

ANDY: PRIME EVIL refers to the ultimate evil….mankind; and our penchant for self destruction. 

7.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new ep cover?

 ANDY: The Prime Evil demon was first drawn by a friend of the band in the early days. We continued to evolve that demon theme throughout the years….with the last version into full functioning form, drawn by Rodney Githens. It loosely represents the ugly faces and deeds of our ancestors.

 8.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance? 

ANDY: We were honored to play with an incredible array of influential and upcoming bands. A top show was opening for The Ultimate Revenge 2 tour with DEATH and Dark Angel. Also meeting Sepultura and playing with them on their first show in the U.S. Opening for Morbid Angel twice on the Altars of Madness tour. Playing with Death and Carcass in Buffalo, NY. There were also many early shows with Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Demolition Hammer, Incantation, Suffocation, Ripping Corpse, Immolation, Cynic, Malevolent Creation, Revenant…..all bands were so hungry back then, we were all forces to be reckoned with…great times. 

MIKE: I would describe our stage performance as energetic. If we’re not getting into our own music, why would anyone else? 

9.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future? 

ANDY: Fingers crossed for modern medicine,,haha….but no plans. Only studio and recording…..right now. 

10.The new ep was released on 'CDN Records', how would you compare working with this label to your previous label 'Inferno Records'.? 

ANDY: We were planning on just a digital release but CDN stepped up and offered to release it on CD. We are very happy to work with them. Comparatively, they are basically similar in their contracts and offerings. We happen to know our A & R rep Cam who offered us the deal with CDN, so we trust them. We have the highest regards for Fab and INFERNO RECORDS….. he has supported us going back to the 80’s. We are honored to have worked with him. 

11.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of extreme metal? 

ANDY:We have been very pleased by the strong response and have been fielding messages and inquiries from all over the world. And I see a lot of new names and younger fans also…..We are very happy thus far.

 12.When can we expect a full length and also where do you see the band heading into musically during the future? 

ANDY: We are currently working with the mindset that it doesn’t matter how many new songs we write…they all have to kick ass and meet our current standards. If 4-5 killer tunes come out then it will be an EP. If things take off…it could be a full length…..quality not quantity. I'm excited to be working….

 MIKE: We are just going to continue to write music organically that satisfies us. PRIME EVIL has always been a culmination of the different styles and genres of music that we enjoy and will continue that way. Music is ever changing, but we will always be on the dark side of it. 

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are currently listening to nowadays? 

ANDY: I have to admit I only listen to songs from 1940 thru 1990…haha I love the old classis from doo wop to Thrash….but don’t really listen to any current music that much. 

MIKE: Hahaha. There is so much good new music out, it’s insane. The past year saw new releases by Cannibal Corpse, Malignancy, Immolation, Suffocation, Incantation, Skeletal Remains, Deicide, Job for a Cowboy, and Aborted. New GRID, Sickbay, and Festergore coming out soon as well. 

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

ANDY: Thanks so much for the interview and support. We will literally thrash to death. Hail and horns! 

MIKE: Thank you for the opportunity to promote our music, we greatly appreciate it! \m/\m

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