1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new album?
Since we finished recording the album last year we've been busy recording the videos for the first two singles, "Grant Me Your Peace" and "Lit De Parade", getting everything surrounding the release together (layout, promo-material etc) and started writing some new tunes. Fun stuff, but feels great having it out so we can get into full creation-mode again, writing music, rehearsing and such.
2.Recently you have released a new album, musically how differ from the stuff you have released in the past?
I think all of our releases so far have differed quite a lot from each other. Fine-tuning our sound and craft with each one, with pretty much the same goal everytime which is to just write the best damn songs we possibly can within our framework of dark, vicious rock/metal. And with "Dead Canary Run" we took some major leaps forward, things just fell into place in a whole other way than they have in the past. The melodies, atmosphere, pace, structure, all parts are just better and one step closer to where we want them to be.
3.This is also your first release in 4 years, can you tell us a little bit more about what has been going on during that time frame?
Well due to circumstances pretty much out of our control, we weren't able to do any touring for our last album "White Teeth Rebellion" when it was released in the summer of 2020.. That sucked of course, but no point in bitching about that so we just started working on new material instead. And four years is a while, though I'm really glad we took our time cuz the effort we put into the writing, stepping up our entire game shows in every beat of "Dead Canary Run". We're on a whole other level now than we were in 2020 and pushing forward feels better than ever.
4.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music and also how would you describe your progress as songwriters over the years?
I kinda look at this existence, life you might call it, as some sort of level I hope to beat in flying colors. And find it hard describing them without sounding like the most pretentious asshole the world has ever seen, but it's fucking hard so don't say I didn't warn you hehe..
So that's the foundation for my view on things, then each song has a different "theme" based on things that came to mind that I felt was worth writing about. Sometimes it's about a specific part of this madness, how to pull through it in the best possible way ("Grant Me Your Peace" for example is about getting rid of all trivial feelings, cleanse yourself until all that's left is just pure dedication to a cause, something I think might be a way to get that golden ticket into the pearly gates haha..). Sometimes it's just thoughts and observations about another area I feel is interesting enough (like "Anothe Future" that's pretty much just acknowledging that life's pretty weird, but it is what it is so nothing to do but just dive into the chaos headfirst), or might be about a feeling connected to certain things I've experienced or speculations about how situations might play out when they arrive (say "Be Afraid", describing a thrilling sensation when you're at the very edge, about to completely lose your mind. Not a state I find myself in too often, but felt it would make a good song so I put down my thoughts on how I think it might feel, go down when it happens).
And all this owerblown, pseudo-religious bullcrap aside; I also find it as important that the words just fit, that they sound right where they are. To me the flow and structure of the things I sing matters as much as what I sing to contribute to a great song.
A bloody novel that one, but that's about as concise as I can be and still try to give you an honest answer about the theme of the lyrics..
5.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'The Vice'?
The Vice don't have that much more to it than we were discussing different names back in the start of the band, the word came up and we liked the way it looked and sounded and the meaning of it was something that was pretty fitting for this entire operation.
6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?
Could write a sequel to that novel I just wrote about the artwork, but I won't hehe.. I'll just say we spent too much time, money and work before deciding we'd do it ourselves.
We came up with the idea to have it based on some sort of impossible staircase, there are some famous paintings of those out there and we felt that would be a very appropriate thing to base the cover-art on. Then me and Charlie bought a printer, transparent printer papers, booze and got a photo editing program and somehow learned how to use it somewhat decent in like 30 minutes. Then searched for pictures of stairs that looked like we wanted, edited them, printed and cut them out and started to build a collague on a large white paper. Piece by piece it came together and the other stuff, windows, gates, man on the cliff etc were things we came up with as we went along. Some 40 hours later, after scanning the end result and putting the finishing touches (the maelstrom and colors) we were done. Then Petter took over and made all the layout, booklet and stuff. So I fucking love how it turned out, and knowing the entire process behind it makes it very special in my mind.
7.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?
We've had a couple of great shows here in Stockholm a few years back, but the best and most memorable ones is without a doubt in the Czech Republic. Been there for some shorter tours maybe four times (I think?) and have had some really good shows there. Especially in Prague and Plzen the crowds have been something else, and the folks running the venues are awesome people making the trips over there a treat.
Our sets contain both faster, punkier, rock n roll songs as well as some slower, more atmospheric pieces. So far I think we've just tried to put together a playlist that makes sense so the show gets a natural flow, so that these different elements go together and give the rollercoaster a sense of direction. For the upcoming shows we have a whole new album of new songs to choose from and my guess is it will be a pretty huge difference from the previous ones. I think we're able to put together a much tighter set, trim the fat and make the experience way more condensed, confident.
8.Do you have any touring or show plans for the new album?
Things are in the works, can't wait to get out and play the new songs and we also have the entire non-touring for the last album to make up for so hopefully we'll do lots of shows all over the globe this year. Nothing I can confirm now though, so stay tuned and we'll update you all as soon as things get more concrete.
9.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your newer music by fans of underground metal?
The album has been very well received, with some damn fine (and interesting) reviews from various papers and zines. And more importantly we've had many "regular listeners" commend it as well. And we don't play to satisfy anyone, we do it because we want and HAVE to (at least in my opinion, in order to fulfill some weird purpose). However, it is of course great fun to hear others like it to. Especially when they tell us that they've picked up on the progress, that they hear the things we spent the last four years on improving. We sure as hell hear it, but one never knows if it gets through to people outside our box, so that's something I really appreciate.
10.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?
We got many ideas and ways we plan to explore going forward, but probably best I don't get into all of them cuz it would probably scare everyone away haha.. Sounds to fucked up for someone not speaking the language we in the band use when talking music. But besides the ever ongoing process of improving our songwriting, one notable thing is we'll probably have piano as a more permanent ingredient in our upcoming songs. Used it on two songs on the album, and we believe it is the right time and place to incorporate that to make further advancements towards our goals.
Plan to release some new stuff very soon so keep your eyes and ears open, it'll be interesting..
11.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are currently listening to nowadays?
Black Metal and Rock n Roll are the two main genres we have in common and always come back to. To name a few from each I'd say Dissection, Emperor, Mayhem, Ofermod, Guns n Roses, W.A.S.P, Mötley Crue and Crashdiet are some bands we like and respect and both listen to and take inspiration from. Then we all have our personal favourites on the side, lots of good music has been created over the years so this is a very simplified description but here it goes. Petter is a huge Iron Maiden fan, into various Heavy Metal and then shitloads of more Black Metal. Charlie is mostly into some post-rock/metal like Solstafir, Neurosis, Mastodon and also some more atmospheric stuff like Magna Carta Cartel. And besides all of the above I go for some more Industrial bands like Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Theatre of Tragedy and top it all of with some Oasis, Miley Cyrus and Lil Wayne.
12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
Been great fun talking to you and some interesting questions where I got to spill my guts. For you readers out there, check out the new album "Dead Canary Run" (out digitally and on CD, vinyls coming any day now) and the really cool videos for the first two singles "Grant Me Your Peace" and "Lit De Parade" on Noble Demon Records youtube channel.
Until next time, stay true!