On All Fours are a band from Belgium that plays a mixture of black, doom, gothic metal and darkwave and this is a review of their 2024 album "Hybris" which was released by Van Records.
Drum beats start off the album along with some darkwave style clean playing a few seconds later. All of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them while the clear vocals bring in more of an ethereal style as well as some of the tracks also being long and epic in length.
Clear male vocals are also utilized briefly while the slower and heavier sections of the songs also bring in elements of doom metal. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very dark yet melodic style along with the tracks also bringing in the dark atmosphere of black metal, one song also introduces harsh vocals onto the album and the whole recording also sticks to a slower direction as well as the bonus track also being an acoustic song.
On All Fours plays a musical style that takes black, doom, gothic metal and darkwave and mixes them together to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover the darkest recesses of existence.
In my opinion On All Fours are a very great sounding mixture of black, doom, gothic metal and darkwave and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Vision - Sinear's Dream" "Tower Anagogia" and "Atrium Limerance". 8 out of 10.
Facebook: /onallfours
Instagram: /on_4ll_fours
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