Ponte del Diavolo are a band from Italy that plays a mixture of black and doom metal with elements of darkwave and this is a review of their 2024 ep compilation "Tre" which was released by Time To Kill Records and consists of their first 3 ep's.
Dark soundscapes start off the compilation along with some synths a few seconds later which also mixes in with the heavier sections of the songs at times. Spoken word samples can also be heard briefly while the blast beats and black metal style tremolo picking can also be heard when the music speeds up and the vocals also add in a lot of clear vocals.
Elements of darkwave are also utilized quite a bit throughout the compilation while all of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them. The slower sections of the songs are also very heavily rooted in doom metal along with some of the tracks also being very long and epic in length.
Melodies are also added into a lot of the guitar riffing along a couple of songs also adding in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts as well as a couple of tracks also being instrumentals, clean playing can also be heard briefly and the vocals also add in harsh screams towards the end. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics are written in a mixture of English and Italian and cover dark and esoteric themes.
In my opinion Ponte del Diavolo are a very great sounding mixture of black and doom metal with elements of darkwave and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The Wickedest Woman In the World" "The Unborn" and "AVE". 8 out of 10.
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