Demon Sacrifice are a band from Indonesia that plays a mixture of black metal and punk and this is a review of their 2025 ep "Under The Blacklight Of Divine" which will be released on January 31st by Morbid And Miserable Records.
Melodic guitar leads starts off the ep while all of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them. Elements of punk are also utilized quite a bit throughout the recording along with the vocals being mostly black metal screams which are closer to t he mid 80's and early 90's era of the genre.
Most of the guitar riffing is done on power chords while most of the ep also sticks to more of a mid tempo direction as well as adding in some slower riffing at times. Distorted soundscapes can also be heard briefly and one song is also an instrumental which also adds in a brief use of keyboards and clean playing before closing the recording with a heavier track.
Demon Sacrifice plays a musical style that takes black metal and punk and mixes them together to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very old school while the lyrics cover horror, death and anti religion themes.
In my opinion Demon Sacrifice are a very great sounding mixture of black metal and punk and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Haunting Night" and "All Shall Perish". 8 out of 10.
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