Inverted Cross are a band from Spain that plays a mixture of black, thrash and speed metal and this is a review of their 2024 album "Eternal Flames Of Hell" which was released by Helldprod Records.
A synth orientated intro starts off the album before going into more of a heavier speed metal direction while the faster sections of the songs also add in a lot of blast beats and thrash metal elements. Vocals are done in more of a first wave black metal style and the solos and leads keep the music into more of an old school extreme metal direction.
Most of the music is very heavily rooted in the 80's era while also being updated for the modern era. All of the musical instruments on the album also have a very powerful sound to them along with the songs also adding in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts as well as the riffs also adding in a decent amount of dark sounding melodies, tremolo picking can also be heard in some of the faster riffing.
Inverted Cross plays a musical style that takes black, thrash and speed metal and mixes them together to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very old school while the lyrics cover Satanism, Occultism, Necromancy and Blasphemy themes.
In my opinion Inverted Cross are a very great sounding mixture of black, thrash and speed metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Attack With Hellfire" "Into The Crypt Of The Necromancer" and "Eternal Flames of hell". 8 out of 10.
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