Tubal Cain are a band from Madison, Wisconsin that plays a mixture of black, thrash and traditional metal and this is a review of their 2025 album "Slime Abyss" which will be released in February by Darkness Shall Rise.
A very heavy yet melodic sound starts off the album while you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording. Vocals are mostly black metal screams which also mix both the first and second wave era's of the genre together and the riffs also add in elements of thrash metal.
When guitar solos and leads are utilized they also bring in more of an early 80's melodic traditional metal style. When the music speeds up a decent amount of blast beats can also be heard along with some of the vocals also adding in some rough semi-clean singing, a couple of the tracks also add in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts as well as most of the album focusing more on a mid tempo direction, one song is also an instrumental and also adds in a brief use of clean playing.
Tubal Cain plays a musical style that takes black, thrash and traditional metal and mixes them together to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Occultism and Fantasy themes.
In my opinion Tubal Cain are a very great sounding mixture of black, thrash and heavy metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Slime Abyss" "Filth Be Damned" and "Drifting To The Black Sun". 8 out of 10.
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