Chile's Onslaught Kommand have returned with a new recording which shows the music going for a mixture of black, death metal and grindcore and this is a review of their 2024 album "Malignancy" which was released by Godz Ov War Productions.
A very dark yet heavy sound starts off the album while you can also hear all of the musical instruments on the recording. Vocals are a mixture of deep death metal growls and black metal screams along with the faster sections of the songs also adding in a great amount of blast beats and grindcore elements.
Throughout the recording you can also hear a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts while tremolo picking is also added into some of the faster riffing. A lot of the music is also very heavily rooted in the 90's era along with a lot of the songs also being very short in length, when guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very chaotic style and the whole album also sticks to a heavier direction.
On this recording Onslaught Kommand remain true to the mixture of black, death metal and grindcore that they have established on previous releases. The production sounds very old school while the lyrics cover gore, perversions and explicit violence themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Onslaught Kommand and if you are a fan of black, death metal and grindcore, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUD E "Elite Hunting Gore" "Satanic Storming" "Perverted Goat Kommand" and "Axis Of The Unholy Power". 8 out of 10.
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